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How to promote reading habit in Schools

In schools and colleges, Students consider learning practice to be limited to text books bought at the course commencement.  But the reality is apart from the so called text books. Though these books start up the day, students should learn the practice of searching and reading books related to their subject and gather updated information and widen their knowledge on every subject they learn. The text books should only be considered as a start and not the end. The habit of reading will increase if they are aware of it.

Getting back to our point, reading habit can be improved via simple steps

1. Extending library hours:

Assigning each student a topic related to the subject and letting students to find and complete the assignment at the library hours help the student to search and read the points which could also help in developing knowledge on the particular subject. Conducting competition in this way will easily help student in improving their reading practice. Share interesting topic for assignments. Boring topics may let down the reading practice.

2. Self Selection of Topics:

Educators should give space to students to enjoy learning all by themselves. Letting students choose the topic on their own simply means that the students love to take up the task, research and do more to prove their interest.

3. Take Children to a Bookstore:

This will promote reading interest among kids lot easier. Bookstore displays all variety of books published in different categories based on the interest of the readers and students search for the book of their interest which kindles reading habit right in their school age.

4. Using Technology in Education:

Certainly, it means a lot. There are many free online certifications to test and issue a certificate for the candidate’s vocabulary skills. Introduce your students to selective online test and grow their interest in reading. Technology is always loved.

Some schools provide newspaper to make their students know the current news and information at certain duration of the school hours usually in the morning. This at least helps students to practice the reading habit. Some schools have language lab where schools teach children on pronunciation of English language and let students to improve their verbal communication apart from studies. These kinds of extracurricular activities actually enlighten the life of the student in the long run.

Perhaps, reading acts as a thrust to climb up the ladder to go a long way.

Education Trend and Approach in India – Today

To a great extend Afghan students fly to India for higher education in Indian Universities. This trend of studying in India is likely to increase twice in Afghanistan. Recent report of Times of India has come up with an interview with an Afghan student who is residing and pursuing his course in Delhi. He makes an opinion that he is satisfied with low cost living and best quality education which is impulsive enough to attract students from his country. Our Indian Government entertains this trend even more by sponsoring international students. As of now, the Government allotted 2,325 scholarship numbers to international students.

Know what! India has the potential to create its own Silicon Valley as today more and more number of IT hubs groom up in India. The budding start ups have the courage to capture international market with a very supportive wing of the Government (Ministry of Information & Technology) who announced half of the funding for Tech start-ups filing international patents. The endowed country India possesses multiple talents which captivates progressive growth in the coming years. Some of the best Indian start ups estimated by Silicon India include iStream, Innoz, DelightCircle, Plivo, Vizury Interactive Solutions who confirmed the challenge India poses to other peers in the market. Together, with the aid of Government it seemed to bring in tremendous improvement in the technological arena in the forthcoming years.


Top emerging trends in Education. This is how the education phases changes. Always there is a shift in whatever we do today. A compact disk which is the most popular storage device some three years ago is massacred by the pen drives. Even Hard disk storage arrived to provide ample storage of data in the place of a pen drive. Shift happens. Well, probably the education system needs a change to educate students of present modern era to go with the technology. Teaching in a usual manner leaves kids who come out of school wonder where they are while the world uses supercomputing technologies. We never mean that the education is out dated but the teaching methodology is. For instance, in science, our human system continues to be the same. Teaching with a chalk and board is not necessary for they have useful tools, applications and the Internet to help them understand things smartly. Students getting used to technology shine best after their graduation. Perhaps, this is the reason why there is no Indian University found in the list of top 200 prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2012-13.

To overcome such embarrassing moments, schools of India slowly adapting modern teaching and management systems to utilize time and resources that simplify teaching and learning process. Some of the latest technologies viewed in India are Android/Windows App, tablet learning (what once issued to MBA students alone), smart 3D visual learning class, online school management systems for staff to reduce burden of record maintenance, and much more.

Above all these pros and cons, we strongly hope that the moderate education system soon step into a higher level to convert every student into an entrepreneur and get into the list of countries providing promising education which altogether make the country prosper and extend its horizon to unlimited boundaries.

School Savings, a New Idea!

School serves as the basic ground of developing basic etiquette in children. For every kid, Schools is the foremost place to learn the act of studying, playing, sharing, writing, speaking and much more activities which provide fundamental strength to live a quality life. Such a school plays an important role to shape a student into a perfect human being. Apart from education, a school largely concentrates on extra-curricular and co-curricular activities.

indexTo make school influence more on a student’s lifestyle in a much positive manner, one recommended idea is to introduce a school bank. Open a school savings account for every kid and encourage students to save as much money as they can and let it to collect at the end of every academic year. This indirectly prohibits students from spending on things unnecessarily. When a student sees his/her money growing up in their individual account, he/she will give more importance to slowly build up their account. This saving practice influence the student’s saving awareness which stay life-long.

Every good habit should be practiced right from the young age. Even though an adult could interpret and understands the best good qualities, it is not easy to adopt. Every good quality should be learned and practiced at the very young age which serves far in the long run of one’s life. Besides parents, a school could tailor all healthy practices for a student.

Handling Bank related issues become more common in day to day life. In some way, everyone gets connected to a bank and depend on banking for many needs. Teaching kids about banking in their young age with the so-called savings account definitely help in their adult age and they feel much comfortable to deal with bank for any necessitate.

The school’s part in saving bank structure does not just end by creating individual account for every student. The school should also motivate kids with special gifts and interest to appreciate their practice of saving.

Essentials of Reading Books at Schools

Promoting reading in schools turn out to be strategy as more and more schools take steps to enhance their student’s knowledge. Reading habit is inborn. Some kids show great interest over reading books while some fall asleep with books. Basically, the fundamental attitude to read books is the interest. This interest should definitely be learned by kids to identify and implement thought provoking ideas which the books provide.


A book, over any kind of medium is capable of letting the readers to understand the story/concept in a most memorable way. Similarly reading a line on Newspapers easily enters the brain far better than listening through news channel. This perhaps made schools to distribute newspapers in the first morning session and make children read through the news. This, not only enhance the reading interest but also incite English fluency.

Similarly different approaches were introduced in schools to improve the reading habit besides their school books. It is certainly impossible to incorporate all world knowledge in the twelve syllabuses of term books but it is possible to allow children to gain knowledge on world happenings through library hours. Schools should increase the hours of reading in a library for any class of students to improve their learning habits. This could also be done by conducting a competition. By announcing a simple contest of research on any favorite topic, the students try to research, identify, read and collect points pertinent to their topic. This certainly aid in growing the interest towards books.

Secondly, the habit of learning in the library should begin right from their young age at schools and ensure kids that learning is never a new habit and it is the part of their daily activities. Kids grow up with aims and ambitions in their school life. International information books such as encyclopedias promote the importance of reading. Conducting regular workshops on activities that raise the interest on books is most welcome in all schools nowadays.

Hence, it is clear that every school play a great role in the life of their students. Schools should find all better possible ways to teach their kids about learning and make next generation proud of the country.