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Hello & Warm Greetings!

We are glad to integrate few major updates in your PenPencilEraser in order to facilitate the better experience. The details of the update are as follows.

PPE Version 1.3 Release:

What’s New?

The PenPencilEraser Version 1.3 release has enriched features and has improved its functions across various modules. The following are the details of the Release 1.3. Give your feedback or need assistance mail to

Core Features/Major Updates:

Parents Request for Child’s Leave gets Automatic updates:

When Parents request leave for the their ward from the parents portal the request comes for submission for the Super Admin of the school or any other assigned authority. On review when approved or denied it is automatically intimation to the parents. While the student gets his/her attendance marked absent even for the future date when approved.

Take a look at the Leave Request Form in the Parents Portal:

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Check on the list of students leave requests which are displayed in the Super Admin or the Authorized user application.

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When the leave request for the particular student has been approved, the leave for the student gets automatically marked in the leave days even when it is approved for future date. This gives the teacher to easily understand that the leave has been granted. In case the student by chance is present, the teacher can move back the student to the present list.

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Absent During Exams and Default Marks:

Well, if the above request made by the parent gets coincided during the exams schedule and when approved by the authority, the school can decide to set a default mark of 35 for the absent student automatically. The reports and the mark list gets updated automatically with the default marks. This feature is again dynamic allowing the school to decide whether they want to set it or not.

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In case of approved leave by the student during the exams it gets marked (*) which denotes this student has approved leave for exams and hence will be granted the default mark of 35 which will appear in the reports.

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Glance at the form for the update of marks for subjects:

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Permission for Users and User-groups:

For Exams and Marks, the school can set to give permission either for the Subject Teacher or the Class Tutor. This gives ultimate security as in case of the Subject Teacher setting, only the teacher handling the class for that particular subject can enter marks and update while the class tutor in this case will have the view feature. On the other hand when the permission is set for the Class Tutor then the exams and marks can be set by the class tutor of that particular class while none other will have the permission.

Take a look at the screen where the Admin sets permission for the marks and exams.

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Take a look at the screen where the subject teacher on permission gets displayed only for the class handled.

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Home Work Module:

It is now possible to update the homework for the back date of up to 5 days as in case of teacher absenteeism or for reasons of internet issues. The updates can be handled in the future date. The Super Admin can have the perfect track of the homework updates and homework issue date.

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Marks with Decimals:

The marks entry can now be given in the decimal digits and hence it allows to assess the students’ marks without the need of round up.

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Other Improvements: Few other friendly features for better user experience has been improvised across various module which you would recognize as in process of use.

These updates will automatically scaled up in your version allowing you to fully enjoy the features.

Thank you for the support and encouragement!


Announcement: PPE Version 1.2.5 moves from “Doing to Done”

We are glad to integrate a couple of updates in your PenPencilEraser in order to facilitate the better experience. The details of the update are as follows.


Teacher Task Status Report in Dashboard for Homework and Attendance:

This is a new concept integrated for the convenience of the Admin of the school. The super admin are the designated personnel can new view the list of task completion for the Homework and marking of the attendance. This will facilitate the management to quickly and instantly track the functions of the schools and the teachers. In just a click the complete list gets displayed and so at the tracking of the tasks is now simplified for the management.


As highlighted you could view the assigned homework and the attendance task completion for the day at the dashboard overview.

When you click on the Homework tab, you could access the details of the homework assigned for the day and also check who has assigned and the details of the homework. You could also change the dates or filter the classes using the quick filer provided.

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When you click on the attendance tab in the dash board, you can access the attendance report for the particular date and so the task of the teachers can be viewed and checked for completion. It is also possible for you to change the date and view the attendance for any different day.


TC Printing:

This is another added feature with an enriched TC design for the print with the choice of color of black & white. Here it comes with the option to discontinue the student by giving the required details and hold it for double confirmation, until the TC is been generated for issue the details can be edited and the student TC can be cancelled until generated. The TC also follows a number sequence for the tracking.

The following images explains the process and the updates in the TC module.




Sample of B/W Print:


Sample of Colour Print:

TC colour


Scheduling School Exams in PenPencilEraser: Take a look

The process of conducting an exam at school is found quite difficult due to factors like student’s strength, classroom breakdown structure and of all, the examination dates fall simultaneous for all classes in the same month. However, schools put in enough time, effort and cost to conduct the exams and follow up accurately till the date of results which in fact is hectic and time consuming. Now installing PenPencilEraser at your school drive away all your exam management difficulties just by simplifying the process online. This feature proved to reduce ample time spent in preparing the workflow of exams.

With your PenPencilEraser account for schools, just in three simple steps the exams are scheduled.

Taking you over to the Exam Management feature of PenPencilEraser

Before you begin preparing the exam timetable, visit Masters and define the examination names and grades accordingly.

Exam Mgmnt 2

Proceed following the below instructions to enter and complete your school’s exam timetable.

Step: 1

Log in to your PenPencilEraser account, navigate to Class - > Exam Schedule on the dashboard.

Exam Dashboard

Step 2:

Now choose the Board and Class followed by Exams which you prefer to schedule as shown in the below screenshot.. Find and hit “Create an Exam” option to view the exam details form.


Step: 3

Now in the screen(refer below), input the exam details of a class such as date, syllabus, duration for all subjects. Repeat this procedure for all classes in the same manner.




You are now done with your exam timetable creation.

Looking how to announce your students about the exam schedule???

That’s pretty easier with PenPencilEraser, simply select the Status as Active to make it appear on the student’s dashboard which they could login and view any time. This way, you can prepare the exam timetable of your school for the whole year at once and announce at the appropriate time by choosing “Active” status.

Exam Management

Watch a Live Demo of Scheduling Exams in PenPencilEraser:

Play the video to watch a live demonstration of preparing Exam Calendar in your school. The process is as simple as you believe.

Drive away the hectic exam management process at your school. In a few simple steps, PenPencilEraser help you to

  • Schedule the exam even for the whole academic year &
  • Display the timetable with syllabus to students and parents through the school website in no time.

To have a walk-through on the complete list of PenPencilEraser features, visit



The PenPencilEraser Release 1.2 has enriched features and has improved its functions across various modules. The following are the details of the release 1.2. Give your feedback or need assistance mail to

Core Features/Major Updates:

Student Attendance Module:  Tracking Late coming Students

Description: Now Late Comers can be marked in the attendance and a report can be generated for the same. This feature have been included in your current version as in the report the late comers are marked and is also been highlighted in different colour. Further the late comers are considered to be present by default. The feature of SMS intimation to parents can be given in a single click ‘Send SMS’.

Benefits: The school can just drag and drop the late coming students while working on the attendance. The list in the report gets the display differentiated in the colours as well, Green for present, Red for absent and Orange for late coming. The report specifically for the Present, Absent and late coming can be viewed.

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Fee Module: Addition of Miscellaneous Expenses

Description: Any applicable miscellaneous fees can be collected without the requirement of the preset amount. Any amount can be collected as miscellaneous fees for the student without presetting. This will help in case of any expense incurred by any particular student like additional book issue, damages bill etc. The reports for the same can be collected.

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CCE Module: Pre-Set Descriptive Indicators

Description: This is a privilege to the teachers while assessing on the student performance. It is possible to set any number of pre-set indicators for the teachers to choose from the drop down. The drop down of the comments in the descriptive boxes can be any number of descriptions separated with a (,) comma and the option to add dynamically in the master setting will be possible.

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Student Profile Update:

Description: The details of the schemes the student is admitted and which is applicable can be mentioned in the masters and the selection box with the multiple selection allows the school to categorize the student applicable scheme.

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Consolidated School Report:

Description: Under the reports session, the new feature addition which allows the user to generate reports for the whole school. It is also possible for the user to generate report based on the selective classes. This will facilitate the school to view the details based on the total number of girls/boys and other related details for the whole school or for more than one class on the selection basis.

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Application Form:

Description: The form to be submitted by the parents/students through the website has been improvised. It guides you through the step by step procedures. This makes it easy and effective to have the form submitted to the school without any hindrance.

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New Money Management Feature Introduced!

PenPencilEraser yet again with a New Money Management System for your school!
Now manage all your school works at ease with PenPencilEraser money management facility. Track your income, track your expense on the go! It is simple, fast and effortless system to manage your school financial administration at extreme convenience.

The money management interface supports the financial aspect of your school and it is one of the interesting feature of PenPencilEraser. Usually a financial term is considered to be an year and may differ by the start and end months depending on the organization type. In PPE, the financial term is volatile and the school can fix any number of months as the financial term thereby letting a desired easy management process. When a term ends, all data of the term gets automatically archived and no more corrections are allowed on the archived data.

Further, it automatically creates account title for all the users related to school and hence reduces the task of inputs. It allows to set a Bill Reminder where in the payment is automatically made. Works to the convenience as the transfer of amount from one account to another is also possible.

Know more with a free  PenPencilEraser Demo today!