How PenPencilEraser can help different types of schools?

Different types of schools

Hello Schools! It’s wonderful being at the start, mid or the end of the academic year. You may be new or experienced with the school digitalization. Your school may be using some sort of school management software or some specific modules like Timetable, Attendance or Accounts. Rather your school might be located in any part of the geographic location in the globe. Irrespective of these we would say that your school should glance at PenPencilEraser that gives you more ideas and has an edge over the many software.

Here comes the new change in the overall school management and administration which goes digital. Watch out to get this effortless and incredible software integrated into the center of your school system. Delays, miscommunication, homework, intimation, time consumption worries that drag the delays of success and the ability being questioned are eliminated.

Take a chance to look into the features of this effective school management software that guides you through the complete school management which is suitable for any schools.

Schools that are Management-Centric

Here you are to experience the wholesome interesting features that give you better ROI, keeps you updated and enhances peace of mind.

  • Stay updated always with anytime, anywhere access
  • Access information in the friendly dashboard
  • Stay updated with the various happenings in the school in a single screen view
  • Keep track on all user activities
  • Consolidate reports over attendance, payroll, fees, schedule, exams etc.
  • Communicate and send instructions anytime across the platform
  • Manage the school website with any additions in menus, sub-menus, notifications and other information
  • Publish the school achievements, images, accolades and reviews
  • Invite new applicants through the website
  • Submit various reports as required by the education board and other related government bodies
  • Manage school accounts with the customized audit reports

 Schools that are Teachers Centric

The most stressed with a lot of crunch in time are the teachers of any school. The faculty members who are the backbone of the school should always aim to spend more time with the students enriching them all academically, socially and disciplinarily. To them, the tasks being handled are ample which takes away much time in planning and later to the execution. This form of digitalization which keeps them away from some routine tasks and makes them gain much more time with the students and their lessons.

  • The first primary responsibility of attendance comes to a total solution with the digital system
  • The issue of homework is again automatized
  • Collaborating with parents becomes the simplest and easy task
  • Schedule for exams, issue of timetable, portions becomes a swift process
  • Planning the lesson plan eases the job
  • Allocating the marks and consolidation of marks for various subjects from the respective class teachers becomes simple.
  • Updating and issuing of the consolidated CCE report are automatic.

All of these will certainly work better on saving time and energy and it proves to be a welcoming change in any schools. The schools which provide their faculty with more time in teaching is the first sign of the school being successful.

 Schools that are Parents Centric

Parents are the people who provide feedback and rating to the school and their prime expectations are their child’s education and safety. The parents look for updates from school, track the student’s performance and stand by their child to help overcome the troubles if any. So, they are the most delighted to have a school app in their smartphones to check and track all the updates of the schools.

  • The mobile app features is an award winning Android app for schools.
  • They are able to track the attendance, time schedule, exam schedule and others
  • Simple to track the marks, fees, balances and the periodic report cards
  • Communicate with the school management and the teachers
  • Take the print of the CCE report
  • Submit their ward’s homework with the respective attachments
  • Request for leave, send reminders and get the approval status
  • Understand the various happening in the school with other classes too
  • View the gallery and download the corresponding pictures as required.

The above features would certainly impress the parents and they get closer to the school with the better understanding of the school systems and their child’s performance.

Schools that are Students Centric

The complete success of the application can be experienced as the convenience experienced by the students. It relatively brings about the updates from the school and makes it notified instantly to the students. Students tend to keep all things related to school and education within the palm. This makes them work competitively and does not miss any work assigned. This relatively increases their interest, discipline and the performance in the school activities and academics.

Similar to the parents’ features, students would be able to access the updates from the school in terms of homework, attendance, exams, marks, messages and website intimations. Along with these, they are able to wish the birthdays of their buddies and also receive wishes for your birthday. Access the gallery images, the website updates and all this related to exams and schedules.

Schools which are new to the digital platform

Just stay cool and we would take you to complete transformation in an easy and effective manner. The Schools although with large database and yet to digitalize should find this to be the right time to adhere. So much so the schools may think of security, convenience, and reliability. This would rather be enriched and gives you better peace of mind when you adhere to the digital platform. All that we expect from schools is to initiate a discussion by submitting the contact request or the demo request on our website.

 Schools which are partially digitalized

You may be with schools which have some sort of digitalization, may be a Timetable management or attendance management or admission management. In this case, you have a feel for how convenient it works saving on your time and energy.

Just the thought of having an integrated platform for the complete management of the school activities will be ideal to go with forever. You would be pleased to have PenPencilEraser as a part of your school management as it takes you with the comfort of the overall digitalization. The best part is that as the new modules keep updating you have the advantage of scaling up.

Schools which are fully digitalized

Schools which already engaged with some kind of school management software may be the one built for your school or had signed up for SaaS subscription. Now is the right time to analyze if you have been completely satisfied and how much of added convenience can be experienced with an outright comparison.  You should be prepared to do so and would tell you the results would be amazing.

It is indeed much simpler to shift the digital platform to any service provider, your data is in the digital form and hence the migration can be taken care easily by our team. All that is required is an analysis and keep in mind the demo would be delivered by our team on your request.

It is interesting to reach the world through this post and building much awareness to the schools across the globe. Only when systems are in place the effective running of the institution can be experienced. Making sure that all the best part put together we wish to discuss with your school and hereby request to you to submit the demo form here.


PenPencilEraser, the online school management software serves schools globally, its integration of various modules makes the school management simple and effective. Here is explained the how schools of different types find it best to work with PenPencilEraser, look into the features of communication modules and so is the details of other modules which can be glanced for an insight. Providing you a quick glance of few modules Homework Management, Attendance Management, Fee Management and Payroll Management. You can request a demo here for better understanding, demonstration and guidance over the various features.

How to become a best and outstanding student?

PenPencilEraser - outstanding student

Internationally, the standard phenomenon over the best students is that they are really advanced and know lots of Mathematics. Not sure, where it started but across the nations, the same point is considered. At most times, it tends to think whether the best students are ahead in knowledge and awareness or the scores decide the destiny.

I did mention about Maths but it is rather Science too which most East Asian countries pay attention. This has deliberated to the STEM talent and now progress to STEAM education which includes Arts along with Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.

Just as we come to the topic we released that the best person to evaluate the outstanding students are their teachers themselves as all the teachers are somehow exposed to all level of students and the different ability individuals. When encountered with the high school teacher at a metro in India, she was so clear to mention the outstanding student is the one who is advanced in all inclusive of the subjects, language, activity, discipline and they are much advanced compared to the others in same age group.

On keen observation over the toppers or the achievers, follow the pattern to see yourself transforming to the betterment.

Keep exploring more on the pieces of stuff you are proficient

Starting from scratch will not take you in the rocket speed but it is possible to have a good grasp of what you have already learned and had them in your gray cells. Now think of ways you could explore the set of skills and try to outsmart. You may create a platform outside your classroom to gain more knowledge and bring it forward to your class to exhibit. This will draw attention to your skills and would strengthen your confidence.

You are outstanding, challenge yourself in new ways

This is exactly something you should crave for and it requires in-depth knowledge and understanding of the subject. Keep yourself in pace with the ever-changing scenario and exploring a great many available resources you must build your mind sticking to challenge with the new and advanced challenges. This could be a debate session for a language enthusiast, a creative presentation for the designer and what more get yourself set into the challenges of professionals.

Get interested in high-level discussion and complexity

Nothing can be worked on lacking interest. It is important to set a high level of interest and engage with the advanced learners and seniors. It may be something which we call to dig in deep to outsmart, Exactly! You are to show up some fascinating interest level and keep moving by reviewing yourself in the truly engaged complexities.

Choose something to excel based on your interest

This philosophy most commonly applies to all the tasks we do and particularly for the advanced learning students they need to think in the most creative way and have to show up to the global challenges. The exploration and the incorporating the skills in the chosen field need to be worked on the consistent basis. Such an involvement and the motivation can be experienced only when the subject is based on the interest. Undeniably, the learner who is keenly interested would work it up at the advanced level and get the brains of the outstanding student and would be able to generate competitive ideas.

Never ever get exhausted

This should be one among the most key points to be realized. As most of the advanced learners would stretch themselves from the normal working day and they would extend the schedule and constantly engage themselves in practicing new things and to achieve the set targets. We need to work on consistency basis and never let the minds set on the pinnacle reach where in you would not be able to extend. So, without losing interest and acquisition of the knowledge should take place for which able planning need to be concentrated.

Dear enthusiastic student, you may be all set to demonstrate your extraordinary ability and prove to be an outstanding student. For some reason, you can perform it better with some guidance from your teachers or parents. Now, all that you have to do is owe to your mentor over your challenges and gain their assistance.

What your mentors can do for you?

You mentor can better identify your strengths and help you dive into the subject. They help you choose your choice and make you adapt to the challenges.


Your mentor can get you integrated to the technology providing you the bridge and help you with time to explore innovative and academic contents from the web world.

They have kept you associated with other advanced learner and can make you work together with them in projects, groups, and studies.

They can accelerate you to the toughest engagement and they are best to strategies the various learning skills in students.

Your mentors can help you in comparing with your peer groups and update you with your missing comparative skills. This update will create a benchmark and aids you in better performance.

You mentor can set the goals and track the progress. They exactly know the reaching spot and the timeline. They help you preparing and motivating to achieve the goals.

As the goals are tangible they can help you in accounting the progress and keeping you in line with the schedules to win the plan.

Exploring is one aspect and creativity is another, your mentors are best to teach you creatively and help you in lateral thinking.

Indeed, it is also possible if you wish to transform to achievement without the adult intervention if you a quick in grasping, able to access the additional resources, stay responsible in the group, distract all the distractions, exercising the leadership in yourself, bringing self-initiative and strengthening your ability and aptitude. Most importantly able to self-evaluate periodically.


Does Education today kill Creativity?

PenPencilEraser Schools and Creativity
Education, this is something that runs in each of our minds as a student, as a parent, as a teacher who is a parent and as a teacher. Why specifically mentioned as a teacher who is a parent deliberates that they are knotted at both ends and they have the complete insight of the expectations of the parents and the reality deliveries at schools.

Many prominent educationalist and writers mention clearly and have spoken much over the creativity in children and one such mention were that ‘children have extraordinary creativity and are born with the creative talents and over the education, they unlearn their creativity skills.’ It’s a sad thing and that is exactly what is happening in the current day education system.

Why at all the creativity is not treated the same as literacy education?

What are the common attributes among these?

How well can be taken up for the success in children?

Sometimes the reality is that that situations when answers are unknown the questions keeps mounting up and that’s exactly what I have been doing here.

Well, passionately let us consider creativity coming along with us as we grow up. Yes! It must as each of us are born creative and we grow killing it at every stage. The slaughterer here what I wish to call is the competition and the comparison. We all know parents who are not aware of the education, the concepts, the chapters and the knowledge which the school provides to their child, but even such parents are a double degree professionals in knowing the competition and studying the comparison.

PenPencilEraser Schools and education

All the creative dilution starts here and as parents expect their children to stand in the cut-throat competition the pressure mounts upon students and they are seen snatched away from their hobbies, sports, interest and the creativity. This over the period keeps them much away from the creative pieces of stuff and makes them run behind the unrealistic competition and the numeric scores. So, how are we going to grow up creativity, well let’s come to it?

Academics are important to make you brilliant and successful but not the degrees and scores!

In the recent times’ end of the academic year, one common activity syndrome is seen among the parents, what I call it is ‘Shopping for School’, am sure most of you would agree with me as the academic year draws to end the parents meet to plan and explore rather exploit with schools.

Schools are structured in the same way at all nations across the world. Beneath the schools are the principles governing them, and their ability to bring up the child successful and confident citizens rather leaders.

Importance of Creativity

This should be to the attention of parents and teachers, creativity is directly the so-called intelligence which can be experienced in the subjects they learn. Brilliance comes when the child can grasp the lessons taught, the lectures listened, the books read and able to reproduce the learned content during the exams and assessments. But what intelligence meant is that the blurred line between the learning and thinking. When the child learns the subject in different modes and when he must reproduce he thinks his ability to add his original ideas which are said to have more value and this outcome is much welcomed.

Thankfully, creativity is related to the academic excellence too and wonder not that those who enhance their creative capabilities with the excellence in human imagination are the genius the world celebrates. Hooking on to the mundane system losing energy over winning the competition may be the part of today education but how many of the students are encouraged to work on their best and the rest to concentrate on their passion, creativity, and experiment. When I mention experiment it calls for more thoughts.

Fear of experimenting kills creativity!

Another reason how the education kills creativity is that children of today fear to do mistakes while mistakes, when done, opens the creative door. They fear to be wrong and as they set their minds that to be wrong is not acceptable they condense their thinking capacity and initiate bring experimental as their mind thinks. This is because mistakes, when done, are subjected to humiliation and demotivation. So, as the child grows up without mistakes they lose the capacity for creativity. Somehow today’s education is killing the creative capacities in students.

PenPencilEraser Schools and experiment

Allowing them and appreciating their exploration and handling the mistakes in the positive manner which enable their creativity and only when being wrong they can come up with something original. This must be encouraged and set the a platform for exploration with motivation.

Do not discourage mistakes, set a motivation for exploration.

In the popular talk of Sir Ken Robinson clearly, indicates the education that kills the creativity and restoring it with complete awareness to the parents and teachers of this generation.

Creativity happens to bring happiness. Set the happiness in children and let the different perspective of education be thought of and bring light to the real education.

Schools, be realized!

Schools should consider the intelligence in students and encourage. Not just the exams and scores should determine the academic excellence. The competency should be measured on the creative part and educate the children of today with the different competency and free thinking ability makes the school responsible for their success and would be creating successful future leaders.

IoT is Powering up the schools!


Technology in education has geared up in the recent times and the hope for further development has much potential and it looks like no similarity to the conventional school methodology. The comparable advancements are vast and it is clear that Internet of Things is one of its kind providing revolutionary change in the way we live and think.
The amazing technology IoT just not connects and collaborates with people, processes, and devices there are much more to be experienced and  rely up on. The schools today need some kind of digital support to enhance the performance, security, analytical and much more which we are to discuss in this article.  The improvements in the key factors of the institution are well taken off and we would necessarily be advancing in the high-speed networking.

Another mind opener here is that technology would become a life skill for students and it will be integrated to the education. Things move technologically in schools every day. Classroom which were known as Smart Classroom has now expanded and been known as Small Schools. Most of the functions of the schools are integrated with the technology.

What is Smart School?

As we know that Internet of Things is the term referring to the machine to machine communication and obviously, this leads to the Big Data concepts. In the smart school the ample devices are built with the smart sensors and to name a few the sensors are the various entrees, exits, lights, locks, inventory, transport, belongings, etc.

To best accommodate this integrity in schools the school infrastructure must be much supportive and it needs to provide a highly reliable Wi-Fi network that which is scalable for all expansions. It is also vital to consider the security measures along with the privacy policy to protect the total data.

Why should Schools adhere to IoT?

The direct benefit of the students going to schools is for the knowledge, education and teaching. This when related to the adoptive curriculum would gain overall development both knowledge wise and soft skills. When incorporating this technology of IoT it is proven to have vast exposure and it provides the students the great opportunity to learn the systems well. It also inspires greater creativity paving way to innovation. The enter school functions are quick and experiences more reliability and ensures more concentration over the career growth of the students.

One primary reason is the enhanced results with better learning experience. Students are highly competitive and they live in a world of more learning and advanced exploration. The students’ performance is the key factor that potentially being out the level of learning. With the many technology advancement, the e-learning applications give more benefits and they are every focusing and goes with the interests of the school to teach on the subjects as the future demands.

Another reason is the improvement in the operational efficiency of the school overall. They can check and track both the people and the activities in a better and prompt manner. When there is a proper utilization of the teachers and the resources they would be justifying, the cost incurred in the technical transformation. The real-time analysis makes the best outcome to enjoy success and achievements.

Coming to the next important reason which is the safety and security. Every day monitoring manually is a tedious job and hence the smart schools which adhere to the better resource management makes it a point to record the attendance automatically, the belongings are secured with the RFID chip integration. The smart cards enable the attendance and the whereabouts of the individual.  The much safer campus and commute will bring in better peace of mind to the parents and the school as well.

A Rush of Internet of Things in School!

IoT is cropping in schools and it has been highly embedded over all the segments of the schools. The students are seen connected with their belonging like the back pack, lunch pack along with the auto check of the temperature or the freshness. Wireless devices found every corner which makes you feel the smart school, giving better leverage to the mobile and personalized learning, getting collaborated with the parents anytime, initiating discussions with the overseas students to compare and explore the subjects with them.

Exploring IoT wonders of Today!
E-learning with auto assessment:

More concepts of e-learning, flipped learning and collaborative learning paves a great way to the success of the education in schools. More so the learning is being followed by the automatized assessments which makes it sure to obtain the results promptly. It is rather a time saving technique for the faculties and hence more time is being dedicated for the teaching. The automatized process does gets the student know the competition and make it for the best outcome to stay competitive always.

Digital boards:

This is a highly innovative concept for schools where the lessons are demonstrated visually and less stressed are the teachers to describe to bring in the imagination in the students. The digital boards are integrated to the interactive elements which describes elaborative details.

Remote school’s collaboration:

Knowledge comes from various means and one such is the collaboration with students of varied culture and overseas. This remote school collaboration makes it possible to understand and explore the way the students of another frontier think and act. More a practical experience defined to benefit wholesome in students.

Video recording and auto delivery of lectures:

Works beneficial to students who are absent to the classes, the auto recording of the lectures and having them automatically delivered to the student portal to access and get prepared for the next session.

Online test:

This is one that takes the complete convenience and hence even the home schooling concepts are getting wide spread. This would seek the attention of the parents who would be monitoring the students while in the assessment but in the IoT concepts the students observed and monitored by the invigilator himself and the e-invigilation makes a lot difference.

3D printers and laser trimmers:

Learning with technology is an advantage and this is added with the 3D printers which gives more practical experienced which the objects that needs to be observed realistic. Along with the laser trimmers much more realistic creations can be made to the surprise of the world audience. Automated concepts based on learning lessons comes to printing in 3D which multiplies the understanding.

Global collaboration:

Right from the concepts to exams things get globally collaboration and for the faculty members it is wide spread concept to include and multiply the audience with the global students. The overall enrichment can be experienced by the schools and schools seen to operate without any boundaries.

Trash receptacles:

This is an internal IoT managed robotically and the trash sensors mean to locate the thrasher and chaos are eliminated in schools about the lost and found aspect.

Robot cleaning:

The campus gets into the continuous cleaning process as to the robot’s function irrespective of the time, energy, and the weather. This makes the management proud of the highest form of hygiene been provided to the students and more confident to be free from infections and health disorder.

Surveillance observance:

Right from the campus entry to each entry and exit all over totalling to hundreds of cameras been installed and they are operated with complete monitoring. To advance the system the monitoring is also been automatized with the IoT to sense and compare the normal day with any abnormal happenings. This helps the management to have 100% control.

Wearables smart tracking:

This is a device which is made to possess by everyone in the schools. This helps in their tracking and when it is students they can easily track the presence of the student and generate the report. This is indeed a security feature which seeks a mandatory implication.

Inventory tracking:

Apart from the humans the assets and the inventory of the schools which may include the furniture, sports, lab materials and much more. The accounting and the tracking are simplified and hence this becomes a welcoming solution.

Auto sensor parking lot:

The school campus being digitalized would welcome the vehicle at the entry gates denoting the parking space of the parking lot. Right over the entry the car is been guided to the parking space without any mishaps.

Transport with auto verification:

The school transportation functions with the automation as the time lapses for the entry of the students into the school bus, the sensor automatically identifies the absentees and send an alert to them. The complete travel and exit of the students are tracked and reported to both the school administration and the parents.

Ultimately, it is getting widespread and successful also with the assurance over the security, data integrity and the education policy. We are glad to have many educational institutions transform to the technology and reduce the barrier of the time, safety, and security.

All about understanding the school culture!

Glad, you are here to view the school culture enhancements, well…there are many perspective in school culture and each of them imposes its own application based on the school. The concept has its own meaning which denotes the overall success of the institution.

It is also proven that the schools which possess good culture shows up a great progress in learning, reasoning, ethics, discipline, understanding and would also acquire good mental ability and better relationship with the school and the teachers. There would be seen happiness and achievements all over.

Keeping in mind the importance of the school culture, the enhancements should be thought of even if the level is high and appreciated. Shaping the school by experience and bringing in effective solutions and in keen observation the school will be able to identify more angles for improvements and enhancements.

Another key point is that the school culture is something which is just not within the campus but it is shared outside as well. Understanding the school culture which needs to be stable, should also emphasis on the development of the school and the students. When you describe the school, you should describe it as a family, the focus should be on nurturing learning and bonding with the institution. There may be many signs of the positive school culture which includes the following.

  • The teachers and the staff members are inclined to the goals of the school,
  • The curriculum of the school is well defined
  • Honest communication is experienced
  • Civilized student citizenship
  • Positive attitudes
  • High moral and gender based value
  • Competent perception
  • Regular and periodical achievement
  • Happiness and cheer in all the stakeholders
  • Society consciousness
  • Overall behavioural etiquettes
  • Communication etiquettes

The ultimate is the good progressive culture when developed will bring in high intellectual development and positive thinking attitude.

Before everything falls in line, let us to start with discuss over creating the culture in schools.

It’s quite natural that most of the school function would be based on the academic developments, focus and achievements, the truth is the school cannot achieve it without their concentration on the school culture. When understood an effective and well-maintained school structure can be experienced. Here we suggest that there are few important elements which must be considered to get this achieved. What we call as elements are the academic curriculum and the school culture, both should be carefully designed and executed as it is looked upon as integration.

Also, remember that culture is a longer process development which must be built with various actions, traditions, environments and much more. Primarily, culture develops from the vision and the values of the institution. Just glance at the response and situational changes expected when the cultural changes are strong and positive.

The necessary steps to be taken over these to bring the efforts fruitful and supportive, builds the commitment with the teachers to schools, keeps them motivated and energetic, focus on each behavioral task, motivate to accept the defined culture. The culture should be focused and must have a stand on the quality.

When categorized teachers’ motivation has the prime value and there is no substitute to stand it. Plan some culture to the teachers and staff to keep them work to the goals of the institution. Show up the results of the school and the achievements of the teachers to create a positive academic culture. Keep them dedicated and committed, choose to live honestly and honourably. Greeting is important so greet your teachers and the students. On the fine day arrange for an evening get-together snacking outdoor, may be weekly pay outs for dinner together, monthly, or bi-monthly a day trip to the nearby places.

Heretofore, things were different and there were days when culture was highly built in everyone. The effect over this culture and its dilution drives more parents to get inclined towards home schooling which takes a new dimension among both the adults and the children. Let us not give way to this deviation and take the necessary steps to the overall excellence which is been achieved only when the culture is at its best.