The 3 Realities About Reading Skill – Mentoring and Mastering

Reading, there are numerous ways to teach reading and the challenge lies in choosing the right way to teach. Literacy demands reading which is the bed rock for the strong education. Teachers generally approach new and strategic ways to inculcate reading in children. Schools on the other hand, welcome students even with the minimum vocabulary but when they exit the school they make sure that the child is equipped with the vocabulary equal or more than the age desires. By way of being ignored for years in this evaluation so is the time now to get the clear definition of helping students read more and benefit more.

If you are a teacher or a mentor you may have to optimize the answers for the following questions which would serve to outcome the best guide to all those including parents to understand and develop the habit of learning.
  1. Importance of Reading, the ultimate skill development.
  2. What is the right book for the child? Tips to choosing the right book.
  3. How can a child compete in reading? Fostering consistent reading!

Well, as we start to discuss the above 3 points of fostering the reading habit among the generation today and drive the force of self-confidence and knowledge in each of them, it may be wondered the importance and the essentials of reading but the truth lies in the fundamentally reading, which is the only force behind overall success.

Importance of Reading, the ultimate skill development!

Reading habit proves essential for all stages if life and it is demonstrates to reduce stress while it adds to your vocabulary and improves the memory. It is one another reason to stay focused and concentration, it stays to be the only tool for you to become a better communicator and a profound writer, of all it generates better sleep and keeps you away from Alzheimer.

For the most profession reading is primary while the good readers prove to be great professionals and great thinkers. Its rather a cool thing to know that reading transforms the person to be great communicators. Let’s keep this going for a while and the other benefits which would incorporates are reading is a brain workout, reduces stress, improves attitude, more topic to converse, better writing skills, improved focus, develops concentration, enriches vocabulary and builds confidence. Well, these may sound to be the general benefits as most of the teachers and parents would counsel over reading is a food to mind and soul.


“Diligence in reading skill helps you in

the most desired and competitive skill development,

when you do it with ample passion, 

you are sure to find a duck soup.”


Few more reasons why you should not forego or decline reading.

Social Skill: Just beyond your communication skills, reading nourishes and widens the minds to have a comprehensive thinking and have a better approach over life.

Competitive Skills: Another most desired skill that can be possessed is thinking out-of-the-box that makes paves way to brighter and innovative career.

Knowledge: Penetrates to the new circumference of better writing with improved vocabulary, deepening the concepts and builds upright foundation.

Overall, it builds a better personality, providing yourself a disciplined culture and as the concentration improves inevitably the enriched personality develops.

In simple words, the importance of reading and the habit that needs to be practiced is been well said by a French Writer, Michel de Montalgne, “We can be knowledgeable with other men’s knowledge but we cannot be wise with other men’s wisdom”.

What is the right book for the child? Tips to choosing the right book.

Right book is something that sounds weird, as our general classroom practice shows that the book gets indexed based on the level of reading or based on the age of readers. In the recent times this concept gets outdated and the method of choosing the right book is no way related to the grades, levels or age groups. The standard of reading and the interest has a vertical progression and the general instructional level would frustrate the reader. The mentor, teacher or the parent faces this challenge in choosing the right read for the child and as we encountered the passionate teachers who denoted that the books are generally allowed for the child to pick one and as the child browses over the pages and with the option to provide an exchange or replacement the child who quickly returns the book can be considered the language level of the book is high for the child to adapt.

One notable fact here is that the whole idea is to encourage reading and not to challenge the student top match the books that are hard for their understanding. Hence, the instructional level should he fingered intelligently to handle the impassionate responses, so in other words preventing the grabbing of the challenging books is the right way to stop curtailing their interest. It is continually better try to match with the easy book and a steady progress with bring in continued results to benefit over the advantages of reading. Forget about the common core standards and teach student to progress in stages of their own ability which is the best way to meet up with the reading success.

Guidelines to choose the right level of book.
Having understood the importance of the right book choice, here are the steps to follow and examine:

Step 1: Go ahead and pick a book for the child

Step 2: Allow the child to browse through

Step 3: Let the child settle to read any one page

Step 4: Now, you need to examine the following, observe and also discuss

Step 5: You may get any of the 3 types of responses which would decide the right book.

The responses based on the trial reading is catagorised in 3 different types which are the following.

Type 1:
  • Understand all words of the book
  • Reading too fast
  • Easily summarizes the contents
  • Willing to read without hesitation

These are the responses and behaviour which depicts that the book is too easy for the child and it may be below the right level and hence you should work on choosing a bit higher level.

So, you are now with another trial where you get the following answers from the child.

Type 2:
  • Just guessing with the meanings
  • The information not clear
  • Reads slowly
  • Tricky and hard words
  • Unable to reproduce the concepts

Such answers from the child makes you understand the book is too hard for the child and is the time to come back for an easier book.

By analysing the level of both these books you must settle down with another choice and give a try with the child. When the child comes with the following answers.

Type 3:
  • Know most but not all words
  • Understand and finds concepts new
  • Reads steadily in normal speed
  • Get excites knowing more information

Well, this stands the right fix for the child and the book which is just right may not be associated to the classroom level, grades or the age groups.

Subsequently, it is the responsibility of the parents and teacher to take it forward from this level and keep it progressing. The child of 10 years in age may find his right age book of 14 years, so the level can be increased from this stage.

How can a child compete in reading? Fostering consistent reading!

Skill development remains the essential part in each of our lives and among the various skills the reading ability is the root for the most skills. The importance to build enduring readers is the responsibility of the parents on how they leverage the best motivation that builds interest and confidence in integrating the reading skills.

The best needs to be provided as to what exactly their need would be, when would it be needed and the right motivation. The proven results are when the right inputs and the workouts are available the child, they become better and most consistent readers.

The most challenges the mentors face is inculcating the skills of reading which generally quoted to start early which turns to be enthusiast readers, mostly the children of high school are fuzzy and are swerving readers. The question is to overcome these challenges, here the start need to be from a discounted level but for such groups we need only one thing reminded is that they seek to read what appeals them. Keeping on this bedrock let’s build to proficient readers. Go ahead announce to read short books which may even be magazines or periodicals, here the prime goal would be that the student completes the reading even if it takes a week time. Give them the chance of completion rather than speed reading.

Going forward allow them to change their minds as at times when the child gets mundane over certain choice of books permit them to find the book that works best for their interest. It is an essential habit for the child to read in ever class, they learn to gather many concepts which includes the grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, concepts, knowledge and over all reading skills. Across the globe many teachers try their best and show great interest in developing the literacy composition in their students.

Refocus on developing successful readers:

The facts that may surprise you the low literacy rate in adults is over 45% which means they cannot match the medical prescriptions too, the reading among the literates is also at low rate as about 35% of the high school passed outs do not read a single book after that, the rest in the literacy category are below the basic level who finds it tedious to read a 6th grade book.

“Let us train children as great readers, cherish over the development of the cognitive skills that gets built by vocabulary and comprehension, fluency and consistency. Multiplies their interest, confidence and motivation, keeping them emotionally strong and successful”.

Money Management, the integral part of School Management Software!

The school system functions with the handling of the finance day-in and day-out, where in most cases the department for finance and accounts operates independently. This is a break through to the concept of independence and in the management perspective we shall discuss over how the system would function effectively and efficiently.

At the outset, let us discuss over the best outcome with the advantages to cater the requirement of such integral money management. It is perfect for the management to inspect the daily movements of cash inflows/out flows. Quick to identify the respective payments and the individuals with their associated with the school. Simple enough for the management to approve and decide over the financial happenings. Like other modules the simplified and easy to handle money management gives to the understanding of the officials. More over, the highlighted aspect is the customization over the receipts, payments, categories and sub-categories.

Transaction made simple!


The simple and user-friendly layout to handle the financial updates, as the payee gets selected from the school data and a quick receipt or payment can be made, while the balance can also be tracked. Here is another added convenience which allows you to enter the total amount and then split them as required to the different account heads or the different users. Would it not be the best way to ease the job? Eliminates the confusions with the clear reports and strategical flagging and locking system. As you lock over the transaction which gets secured from editing. There are few more security enhancements and rollovers which would be detailed on the implementation. A clear auditing system can be experienced where the periodic audit can be decided by the management. You are free to discuss over these by contacting us at your convenient time.

Gain a walk-through of the insights!


The categories can be set dynamic which gives best customization allowing to set to the understanding of the school. Here again editing and adding several categories is simple and convenient.


Each of the category type say it may be a type of expense or income while you many have to set them in their respective category group. Once the sub-categories are created which leads you to access these headings during the live transactions, an all-together setting may be required here which goes with the benefits of the convenient and clarity accounting. Most of the schools who experienced this feature readily mention that the system is user-friendly and it goes with the talking terms within the campus. Keeping is as simplified right from the accounts heads to the transaction modes it has meant to be the primary accounting platform. Given a complete understanding this platform can also be used for the petty cash handling of each department.

You can also view the applying screen to set the relevant sub-categories to the main category. This adds to the preference to add the details in the right head. Accounts is simplified when the ability to customize is available and this application makes it possible. So, what’s more you can also have desired reports based on the different account heads. Here we can go with Spending by category, Spending by payee, Transaction report by category, Transaction report by Payee, Accounts Transaction, Income and Expenditure. Add to the benefits your school experiences and digitization is the future of school management.

PenPencilEraser, the online school management software serves schools globally, its integration of various modules makes the school management simple and effective. Here is explained the functions of Money management and so are the details of other modules which can be glanced for an insight. Providing you a quick glance of few modules Homework Management, Attendance Management, Fee Management and Payroll Management. You can request for a demo here for better understanding and guidance over the various features. 


What Type of Teacher are you?

What type of teacher are you? Let me tell you we all know it but, why again do we have to lustre the perceptions would be the thought in your mind. But, here is something novel that is worth exploring and I would tell you it is easy to speculate occasionally but when we wish to obtain it copiously, it is worth the details which are thought-provoking.

The two prime types of teachers as their behaviour and personality depicts.
• Teachers as Motivational Leaders
• Teachers as Perfect Managers

Teachers as Motivational Leaders!

“Teachers who inspires students to dream more, learn more, do more and become more as innovators and inventors.”

The teachers who have the aptitude of motivational leaders does have a different approach in the classroom and in the way of teaching. The most differentiates are informal approach, open and friendly, permissive and encouraging, humorous and emotional, chiefly focused on student learning, checks on learnt concepts, scores on innovative answers, encourages flipped learning, joins with students, chats and eat, meets parents over progression, innovative teaching using technology, builds relationship.

Teachers as Perfect Managers!

“Teachers who train the students to be well organized finding time for each task, strict over discipline, always settle in advance and be well prepared.”

While we come to the approach and the disciple of the perfect managers the following can be experienced with them in both the teaching and the classroom. Formal approach, reserved over the relationship, restrictive on approvals and permissions, serious and rational, mainly focus on Student behaviour, checks on work completion, scores based right answers, does not encourage student intervening, strict over lunch, meets parents over only on complains, orientation teaching methods, builds reputation.

Well, now as we discussed over the types of teachers, it is now that we look at “The Making of Best Teacher”. For this we need to understand the Students outlook and approach over the interactive class of the best teacher. The responses and the behaviour of the students depicts the performance of the teacher.

We would always wish to hear the students say, It’s interesting, I prefer to know more, Is this the trend about the modern changes? Let me explore more, provide me few reference books, when would be the next session? What is the next topic coming up? Show me the examples of practical applications of these learning, thank you and please stay for more while.

A Final Outlook:

Teachers need to be as Motivational Leaders than perfect managers! A cardinal principle in the type of teachers decides on the continuous improvement in students, positively progressing with perfect academic development striving for the innovative skill development in students.

Technology forces teachers who are Perfect Managers to transform as Motivational Leaders!
Technology Learning Innovations are Flipped classrooms, Online learning, Mobile app learning, Game-based learning and Virtual classrooms. While these bring in more challenges to the teachers to face the e-safety challenges like the online privacy, data protection, copyright issues, online reputation, password protection, social threats and much more. Teachers who are motivational leaders perform better and show up greater results.



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Here is why Teachers and Parents have to redesign to expectations!

Parent’s expectations over Teachers Vs Teacher’s hopes over Parents!

Just as I came across few difference of opinion from the parents who constantly seek to the teachers of their ward to understand the language and the interest of their children. This is the foremost interesting aspect of the parents in relation to the child education. To parents although it is the milestone to start off with sending their kids to school, it is rather a scary thing that each parents experience and they bound ample trust in teachers. The expectations of parents are beyond the consideration which requires each of the teacher to work with the complete passion.

Why? If this the question, it is not the right one as it is quite obvious that the child is exposed to the huge world for the first time and of course it is immensely a nerve-wracking part of each parent. So, what happens here is the teacher tend to hear from the parent of each of the child, meaning the child requires care and is precious to them. How do you think the teacher can react here? Yes! Of course it is not a defined job to proceed with the general systems and for which I had already quoted that it is the teacher on whom the faith and trust is imposed by each parent. Working with great passion is the best option to give best results.

The essential part of teacher is of course the teaching yet they may have to show desirable amount of strong participation in the overall development of the child.

How do you think this can happen and it is being understood that this has to be done mutually? Here is the start of your lesson to work on the betterment of your students.

The following points will cater to the everyday happenings and how the teacher can take advantage of spending and observing more time with the students.

  • Build strong relationship with the student getting to know their family and friends.
  • Observe the daily activities of the student.
  • Understand her mental behaviour, does the child participate actively
  • Get to know the strengths and dreams of the student
  • Manage to have an open discussion and provide valuable consultation

You are also responsible to share and communicate to the student parents either during the Parents-Teachers conference and even beyond those specific days. Most of the inputs the teacher transports to the parents would come as a wonder to parents. Parents bring their wards to your schools with the mindset of giving the best to the best and the general question to the returning child from the school would be how was your school today, don’t you think this is very generic and most parents would get the answer as ‘fine’, parents have less chance to see their child in independent atmosphere and at home they are taught to be kind, generous, friendly and punctual, this adds to the curiosity of the parents to get to know their child activities. With all these parents would shoot out questions like Is my child friendly? Attentive? Participative? sociable? Kind or boisterous? Punctual or deferred? Supportive or argumentive? Here will be a teacher not with full of energy but with full of passion caring and getting to know about the child delightfully and succeeding in winning the confidence and comfort of the parents.

So, challenges are not scarce for teachers, at the same time do not underestimate your value in the life of students. The child of any age will be thankful and obliged for the education shared, love, support, encouragement, care and guidance received from their teacher.

Now, looking at the vice versa,

Making the most with the parents of students is a real thing missing in our education culture. Upfront, Parents need to be considered the key players for the child education. During the schooling process the school provides the best possible learning at school and the subjects are generally supported at home learning. This is a strong method in which the parent gains a strong relationship with the school.

Teachers need to make use of PTA

The Parents-Teachers association is said to bridge the gap and cultivate a strong foundation to discuss about the child interest, progress in academics, improve in attitude and scan through the daily activities of the child. Why don’t the teachers make use of the parent’s feedback who are the key players in the child education.

Generally, for the school as well the feedback and the suggestions obtained from parents work out best for the overall achievement and the progress of the school credibility. Here should the management insist on the frequency of the parents meet which deliberates teachers to experience both support and condemnation.

Parents are the consultancy board without fees!

One thing understood here is that it is not necessary for the school and the teachers to consider every opinion of the parents but definitely it would benefit to make few constructive changes over the feedback. Parents are the ultimate, who have expectations, who deal direct with the public, who try to compare with other schools, who wish to give the best for the child. It cannot be isolated working with them and hence although some schools neglect or get nervous over inviting the parents, the confident school with the progressive mindset should implement such meetings and set goals for the ultimate satisfaction.

Parents are expected to support the school and the teachers to deliver best schooling experience for all children, they need to understand and adhere to the strategies to follow in the child progressive results.

More so the difficulties faced by the child need to be discussed and set solutions to work on the positive grounds. The collaborative functioning of both the responsible adults, the teachers and parents can make wonders happen in the life of every child. The first step is the sense of realization which helps take this forward optimistically.

The Conclusion:

Both Parents and the Teachers are powerful bodies who are required to work on the same platform with wider mindset and energetic over providing the best education for the children and adding values to their schooling and life.

Boost Education through Digital Game-based Learning!

There are times when a certain subject needs an alternative approach, or a ‘fresh set of eyes’, so to speak. Seeing and doing something in a new kind of way can help a person understand or learn better.

Education is no different. There are numerous pedagogical approaches used by educators, and one such approach is starting to pick up steam within the academic community.

Game-based learning, or the use of game applications, virtual tools and simulations for learning, is becoming more and more widespread in various regions across the world, including North America, Europe and Asia Pacific.

Before moving on, however, it is important to note that learning through this method is not a replacement for traditional studying. Instead, it is a form of supplement which further enhances skill sets and knowledge in a manner that’s not usually done in conventional schools and classrooms.

Is it Effective?
Education can become routine, and that in turn may lead to a dampened interest in studying for regular students. The familiar processes of reading, memorization, exams, and other conventional methods of studying are all well and good, but these get dull and aren’t enough for the students to really acquire what needs to be learned.

Entering with game-based learning is with the help of engaging and interactive applications and programs, the student will become more active and motivated to learn. Game worlds can provide environments that are familiar to the student, in turn effectively retaining his/her interest to play and eventually learn.

Games are also platforms that allow people to encounter challenges which can be applied in the real world. Problem solving, teamwork through multiplayer games, and perseverance are just a few of the abstract concepts easily grasped in game play.

Additionally, accomplishments such as completing a level for instance, gives the student a sense of optimism and self-esteem. On the other hand, failures and mistakes allow for experimentation and an ‘outside the box’ form of thinking, so as to effectively perform better next time. Alertness, concentration and task completion are few soft skills which each of the students need to practice and excel in their student life. These qualities seem to get well training by digital gaming.

One good example based on research were flight simulation programs. Consistent training improvements were observed on subjects who worked with combined simulation programs and actual aircrafts, as opposed to those who trained with an aircraft only.

Is it Sustainable?

In the field of higher education, reports suggest that the game-based learning market will have a compound annual growth rate of almost 14% from this year up to 2020. This is because game-based learning lets higher education students receive knowledge about more complex and technical matters through active and retained participation in advanced gaming programs.

In addition, the same demographic were observed to be more invested in learning about foreign languages and increase their fluency through relevant applications. They undergo learning courses in forms of games and simulations.

The ever-advancing tech the world has today also secures the place of game-based learning, especially through mobile devices. You get updates for your smartphone through your carrier or other sources, and game developers will follow the trend, never ceasing to create all sorts of gaming programs, thus, there will be no shortage of digital tools for this type of learning.

Beyond interactive whiteboards and the electronic reads that keeps the learning engaged, more on the platform of creativity and innovative thinking adds up when the children are experiencing game-based learning. So the future demands more of game creations and creating games are just not for entertainment or not just for learning but it should be created for both the purpose balanced solution to meet the objective. Once the game gets created it defines a goal or objective for the winning status and more strategies can be implemented. The brain storming concepts leads to the best creation for the best learning experience.

Lastly, it is not restricted to computer labs of schools nor advanced training facilities, as people nowadays have easy access to the internet. Therefore, online game-based learning is available to anyone. This allows for a convenient, personalized, hands-on experience for any student. All that’s needed is the desire to learn.