The 3 Realities About Reading Skill – Mentoring and Mastering

Reading, there are numerous ways to teach reading and the challenge lies in choosing the right way to teach. Literacy demands reading which is the bed rock for the strong education. Teachers generally approach new and strategic ways to inculcate reading in children. Schools on the other hand, welcome students even with the minimum vocabulary but when they exit the school they make sure that the child is equipped with the vocabulary equal or more than the age desires. By way of being ignored for years in this evaluation so is the time now to get the clear definition of helping students read more and benefit more.

If you are a teacher or a mentor you may have to optimize the answers for the following questions which would serve to outcome the best guide to all those including parents to understand and develop the habit of learning.
  1. Importance of Reading, the ultimate skill development.
  2. What is the right book for the child? Tips to choosing the right book.
  3. How can a child compete in reading? Fostering consistent reading!

Well, as we start to discuss the above 3 points of fostering the reading habit among the generation today and drive the force of self-confidence and knowledge in each of them, it may be wondered the importance and the essentials of reading but the truth lies in the fundamentally reading, which is the only force behind overall success.

Importance of Reading, the ultimate skill development!

Reading habit proves essential for all stages if life and it is demonstrates to reduce stress while it adds to your vocabulary and improves the memory. It is one another reason to stay focused and concentration, it stays to be the only tool for you to become a better communicator and a profound writer, of all it generates better sleep and keeps you away from Alzheimer.

For the most profession reading is primary while the good readers prove to be great professionals and great thinkers. Its rather a cool thing to know that reading transforms the person to be great communicators. Let’s keep this going for a while and the other benefits which would incorporates are reading is a brain workout, reduces stress, improves attitude, more topic to converse, better writing skills, improved focus, develops concentration, enriches vocabulary and builds confidence. Well, these may sound to be the general benefits as most of the teachers and parents would counsel over reading is a food to mind and soul.


“Diligence in reading skill helps you in

the most desired and competitive skill development,

when you do it with ample passion, 

you are sure to find a duck soup.”


Few more reasons why you should not forego or decline reading.

Social Skill: Just beyond your communication skills, reading nourishes and widens the minds to have a comprehensive thinking and have a better approach over life.

Competitive Skills: Another most desired skill that can be possessed is thinking out-of-the-box that makes paves way to brighter and innovative career.

Knowledge: Penetrates to the new circumference of better writing with improved vocabulary, deepening the concepts and builds upright foundation.

Overall, it builds a better personality, providing yourself a disciplined culture and as the concentration improves inevitably the enriched personality develops.

In simple words, the importance of reading and the habit that needs to be practiced is been well said by a French Writer, Michel de Montalgne, “We can be knowledgeable with other men’s knowledge but we cannot be wise with other men’s wisdom”.

What is the right book for the child? Tips to choosing the right book.

Right book is something that sounds weird, as our general classroom practice shows that the book gets indexed based on the level of reading or based on the age of readers. In the recent times this concept gets outdated and the method of choosing the right book is no way related to the grades, levels or age groups. The standard of reading and the interest has a vertical progression and the general instructional level would frustrate the reader. The mentor, teacher or the parent faces this challenge in choosing the right read for the child and as we encountered the passionate teachers who denoted that the books are generally allowed for the child to pick one and as the child browses over the pages and with the option to provide an exchange or replacement the child who quickly returns the book can be considered the language level of the book is high for the child to adapt.

One notable fact here is that the whole idea is to encourage reading and not to challenge the student top match the books that are hard for their understanding. Hence, the instructional level should he fingered intelligently to handle the impassionate responses, so in other words preventing the grabbing of the challenging books is the right way to stop curtailing their interest. It is continually better try to match with the easy book and a steady progress with bring in continued results to benefit over the advantages of reading. Forget about the common core standards and teach student to progress in stages of their own ability which is the best way to meet up with the reading success.

Guidelines to choose the right level of book.
Having understood the importance of the right book choice, here are the steps to follow and examine:

Step 1: Go ahead and pick a book for the child

Step 2: Allow the child to browse through

Step 3: Let the child settle to read any one page

Step 4: Now, you need to examine the following, observe and also discuss

Step 5: You may get any of the 3 types of responses which would decide the right book.

The responses based on the trial reading is catagorised in 3 different types which are the following.

Type 1:
  • Understand all words of the book
  • Reading too fast
  • Easily summarizes the contents
  • Willing to read without hesitation

These are the responses and behaviour which depicts that the book is too easy for the child and it may be below the right level and hence you should work on choosing a bit higher level.

So, you are now with another trial where you get the following answers from the child.

Type 2:
  • Just guessing with the meanings
  • The information not clear
  • Reads slowly
  • Tricky and hard words
  • Unable to reproduce the concepts

Such answers from the child makes you understand the book is too hard for the child and is the time to come back for an easier book.

By analysing the level of both these books you must settle down with another choice and give a try with the child. When the child comes with the following answers.

Type 3:
  • Know most but not all words
  • Understand and finds concepts new
  • Reads steadily in normal speed
  • Get excites knowing more information

Well, this stands the right fix for the child and the book which is just right may not be associated to the classroom level, grades or the age groups.

Subsequently, it is the responsibility of the parents and teacher to take it forward from this level and keep it progressing. The child of 10 years in age may find his right age book of 14 years, so the level can be increased from this stage.

How can a child compete in reading? Fostering consistent reading!

Skill development remains the essential part in each of our lives and among the various skills the reading ability is the root for the most skills. The importance to build enduring readers is the responsibility of the parents on how they leverage the best motivation that builds interest and confidence in integrating the reading skills.

The best needs to be provided as to what exactly their need would be, when would it be needed and the right motivation. The proven results are when the right inputs and the workouts are available the child, they become better and most consistent readers.

The most challenges the mentors face is inculcating the skills of reading which generally quoted to start early which turns to be enthusiast readers, mostly the children of high school are fuzzy and are swerving readers. The question is to overcome these challenges, here the start need to be from a discounted level but for such groups we need only one thing reminded is that they seek to read what appeals them. Keeping on this bedrock let’s build to proficient readers. Go ahead announce to read short books which may even be magazines or periodicals, here the prime goal would be that the student completes the reading even if it takes a week time. Give them the chance of completion rather than speed reading.

Going forward allow them to change their minds as at times when the child gets mundane over certain choice of books permit them to find the book that works best for their interest. It is an essential habit for the child to read in ever class, they learn to gather many concepts which includes the grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, concepts, knowledge and over all reading skills. Across the globe many teachers try their best and show great interest in developing the literacy composition in their students.

Refocus on developing successful readers:

The facts that may surprise you the low literacy rate in adults is over 45% which means they cannot match the medical prescriptions too, the reading among the literates is also at low rate as about 35% of the high school passed outs do not read a single book after that, the rest in the literacy category are below the basic level who finds it tedious to read a 6th grade book.

“Let us train children as great readers, cherish over the development of the cognitive skills that gets built by vocabulary and comprehension, fluency and consistency. Multiplies their interest, confidence and motivation, keeping them emotionally strong and successful”.

Here is why Teachers and Parents have to redesign to expectations!

Parent’s expectations over Teachers Vs Teacher’s hopes over Parents!

Just as I came across few difference of opinion from the parents who constantly seek to the teachers of their ward to understand the language and the interest of their children. This is the foremost interesting aspect of the parents in relation to the child education. To parents although it is the milestone to start off with sending their kids to school, it is rather a scary thing that each parents experience and they bound ample trust in teachers. The expectations of parents are beyond the consideration which requires each of the teacher to work with the complete passion.

Why? If this the question, it is not the right one as it is quite obvious that the child is exposed to the huge world for the first time and of course it is immensely a nerve-wracking part of each parent. So, what happens here is the teacher tend to hear from the parent of each of the child, meaning the child requires care and is precious to them. How do you think the teacher can react here? Yes! Of course it is not a defined job to proceed with the general systems and for which I had already quoted that it is the teacher on whom the faith and trust is imposed by each parent. Working with great passion is the best option to give best results.

The essential part of teacher is of course the teaching yet they may have to show desirable amount of strong participation in the overall development of the child.

How do you think this can happen and it is being understood that this has to be done mutually? Here is the start of your lesson to work on the betterment of your students.

The following points will cater to the everyday happenings and how the teacher can take advantage of spending and observing more time with the students.

  • Build strong relationship with the student getting to know their family and friends.
  • Observe the daily activities of the student.
  • Understand her mental behaviour, does the child participate actively
  • Get to know the strengths and dreams of the student
  • Manage to have an open discussion and provide valuable consultation

You are also responsible to share and communicate to the student parents either during the Parents-Teachers conference and even beyond those specific days. Most of the inputs the teacher transports to the parents would come as a wonder to parents. Parents bring their wards to your schools with the mindset of giving the best to the best and the general question to the returning child from the school would be how was your school today, don’t you think this is very generic and most parents would get the answer as ‘fine’, parents have less chance to see their child in independent atmosphere and at home they are taught to be kind, generous, friendly and punctual, this adds to the curiosity of the parents to get to know their child activities. With all these parents would shoot out questions like Is my child friendly? Attentive? Participative? sociable? Kind or boisterous? Punctual or deferred? Supportive or argumentive? Here will be a teacher not with full of energy but with full of passion caring and getting to know about the child delightfully and succeeding in winning the confidence and comfort of the parents.

So, challenges are not scarce for teachers, at the same time do not underestimate your value in the life of students. The child of any age will be thankful and obliged for the education shared, love, support, encouragement, care and guidance received from their teacher.

Now, looking at the vice versa,

Making the most with the parents of students is a real thing missing in our education culture. Upfront, Parents need to be considered the key players for the child education. During the schooling process the school provides the best possible learning at school and the subjects are generally supported at home learning. This is a strong method in which the parent gains a strong relationship with the school.

Teachers need to make use of PTA

The Parents-Teachers association is said to bridge the gap and cultivate a strong foundation to discuss about the child interest, progress in academics, improve in attitude and scan through the daily activities of the child. Why don’t the teachers make use of the parent’s feedback who are the key players in the child education.

Generally, for the school as well the feedback and the suggestions obtained from parents work out best for the overall achievement and the progress of the school credibility. Here should the management insist on the frequency of the parents meet which deliberates teachers to experience both support and condemnation.

Parents are the consultancy board without fees!

One thing understood here is that it is not necessary for the school and the teachers to consider every opinion of the parents but definitely it would benefit to make few constructive changes over the feedback. Parents are the ultimate, who have expectations, who deal direct with the public, who try to compare with other schools, who wish to give the best for the child. It cannot be isolated working with them and hence although some schools neglect or get nervous over inviting the parents, the confident school with the progressive mindset should implement such meetings and set goals for the ultimate satisfaction.

Parents are expected to support the school and the teachers to deliver best schooling experience for all children, they need to understand and adhere to the strategies to follow in the child progressive results.

More so the difficulties faced by the child need to be discussed and set solutions to work on the positive grounds. The collaborative functioning of both the responsible adults, the teachers and parents can make wonders happen in the life of every child. The first step is the sense of realization which helps take this forward optimistically.

The Conclusion:

Both Parents and the Teachers are powerful bodies who are required to work on the same platform with wider mindset and energetic over providing the best education for the children and adding values to their schooling and life.

Best classroom is the one that is roofed by the sky, Why?

Schools known to  create opportunities for students to gain knowledge and perform well academically along with personality grooming. The study over and looking into few existing strategies have created a successful concepts from the ground up of the existing system that teaches on redesigning strategy to meet the highly challenging education and become ultra successful.

Just as the thought of working on the perspective of students to improve their grades, students prove performing better if schools opt for sky as roof! To make it more topic oriented I would rather try to mention this literature to be titled as 1. Outdoor learning to boost student’s skills in academics, 2. The 12 benefits really experienced in outdoor learning, 3. Classroom having sky as roof study a lot, why?

Schools are licensed based on the lavish outdoor space and the amazing grounds, all these while it is being known as the playgrounds and games spot. The recent researches began to see it as skill development and going back to years and ages of stone dwelling where the initial thought of schools originated, schools were outdoor in the open grounds. Before we study the advantage of outdoor learning let us quickly get to know how the children these days rationed with no breeze, no nature, no wide space, no touch of ground, no walk, no climb and ultimately no practical experience. Learning today has become more theoretical, imagery, descriptive and only representations of each thing is been familiar rather than the true living.

 The experts bring out the gains of outdoor learning and it is just not an overcome of pains of indoor learning. This subjects to the well being of the mental and physical boost ups for the students. This though can be explained but it’s something to be experienced.

To start with let us look into the benefits of outdoor learning. It would certainly increase the well-being and would co-ordinate well with the learning minds. In simple terms, let us briefly look at the refining and arriving skills on outdoor learning.

Boosts Self-confidence:

It is more of developing the strength over the co-ordination with the general fitness level and it psychologically improves the learning ability and over all the boost up of the self-esteem accelerates their performance with confidence to higher levels.

Obtain Relaxed and Focused minds:

Large space with nature creates focused thoughts and every word learnt gets into the minds. It is a great practice to do revisions outdoor, the question here is not having vast space but being in a nature spot acknowledges the freshness and feel stress free.

Builds a Sense of Exploration:

With the students are directly connected with the nature and community they automatically collaborate and they start exploring the betterment which indirectly creates a self-identity for them.

Quick Observation with Real-life:

Students gets gripped easily with the concepts and they relate the concepts and knowledge gained to the real environment and adds up meaning to the real life which would boosts their awareness to better extend.

Remembers better every word:

Outdoor learning makes it more memorable and the general thought is that we cannot take Maths, Science, Geography for outdoor but it is quite important to find strategies to look up on outdoor learning as the impact of better understanding and remembering is more than expected.

Well, although interestingly we learnt the benefits of outdoor learning, let us now relate to the direct academic benefits which is a supportive point to show sheer performance.
      • Improved Grades

        Doubtlessly, this opens up minds and grabs the attention of all educators. When the student is experienced in outdoor curriculum their cognitive skills improves and overall their caliber outsmarts the traditional learning.

      • Healthier health

        Outdoor leaning not only stimulates academically, as mentioned it induces better wellness of health in children which eradicates childhood obesity.

      • Feels happy

        In a natural way children feel happy and delighted among nature, this keeps them happy and minds fresh to gather more and more learning and knowledge.

      • Independent

        It is so true to prove the independence but such kind of experimental learning would certainly increase their confidence. It shows great willingness to outdoor activities and ultimately they seem to adhere to become independent to handle the outdoor challenges.

      • Motivated

        This is directly related to enthusiasm and in most cases children prove to be enthusiast at the outdoor activities which positive transform them to better learning. Students who undergo this scenario are highly motivated and that concludes the ultimate benefits of outdoor learning.

      • Good Attitude

        This not only mean willingness to learn outdoor but it takes a good leap in the positive attitude which get exhibited in students. They get more aware of the prevailing environment challenges which can make them responsible over the environment.

      • Promotes Communication Skills

        Most schools both primary and high school tend to conduct discussions, seminars, writing and speaking innovative topics, debating and much more related to creative speaking. Rather than the traditional manner when these activities are handled outdoor the spontaneity and fluency are enhanced and hence it proves to improve the communication skills.

Overall, the consolidated comment when the schools experimented over the outdoor learning declares that the trouble maker of the classroom is one of the leader in the classroom. Hence the so call open air classroom are best when compared to the traditional classrooms. It is quite true to the saying the best classroom is the one that is roofed by the sky. The children learn how to learn when in play and outdoor.

How teachers can learn swiftly to present a flawless short speech?

Specifically, this is for Teachers and we know teachers are great in tutoring and presenting ideas all-round the year, grabbing the attention of the students as audience. Still, why should they enrich on their skills for speech? Yes! flawless speech is not a cakewalk but requires differently thinking ability and so is the need to get equipped with these skills. Here comes, the difference between tutoring and presenting before a public crowd. This generally gives jitters and different people have different strategies to get over these anxieties and comprehensions.

When interviewed most of them mentioned that presenting before the crowd gives them a shake and they were not been able to overcome it with even a rehearsal. The try out would definitely help a few but will not be stated as a solution for the problem. Most of the teachers disclosed that public speaking had never been great for them and participation was also incredible. So, is the efforts taken to study on building successful strategies.

The general insights in speaking speeches would be to figure out the core of the message which gets delivered fast. So, let us now prepare for a short talk and bring out the essence of the message. In other words, it means less talk gives more forethought. “If I had more time I would have written a shorter letter,” as quoted by Blaise Pascal which proves true to itself as the short notes and descriptions takes much strategic thinking and consumes more time but the initial efforts has its own advantage and proves to be long standing.

So, here is keeping you focused now on 6 Tips for Efficient Short Speeches!

  1. Quickly start-off with a puzzle or serve a problem to the audience to keep them keen on finding the solution. Most audience do not prefer to listen to the introduction or the general commercials and hence you could quickly have a start to grab their attention.
  2. Rather than discussing the facts, talk about the true stories which are much engaging. This will create an emotional arc and the narration will stay memorable along with the dedicated attention earned from the audience.
  3. Organize a slide show and start in a simple manner, quickly build the talk with few conceptual words and as the slides just outlines the flow of concept you could benefit the trying out either recording video or audio, now force yourself to watch you talk. If it requires iteration then go ahead repeating several times till it gets perfect.
  4. Practicing gives you the flow and you would quickly remember the points one after the other, this is much better than just memorizing and reading. This reminds me of the quotes, “There is no glory in practice but without practice there is no glory”, few others are “Don’t practice to get it right but practice so as to you won’t go wrong”, Practice like you have never won, perform like you have never lost”.
  5. You can see your speech appreciated when a small punch of humour is added. Specially, this goes well for the short speech as you could be pretty sure that something is there cheering.
  6. When you practice make sure that you could deliberate the chance to interact with the people of same wavelength. This will add up to your learning from each other and put you in the foot of presenter.

The prime importance of what has to go with is even if you mess up just carry on with it as never will others know what you have prepared to deliver or what is the sequence of the content discussed. Keeping this in mind with aid to proceed with better confidence.

Public speaking for a teacher is a great enhancement for their career and it is no way related to the learned talent. With great dedicated practice and interest one will able to leave a lasting impression in the speech delivered.

A quick overview of few other generally practiced tips of great speakers in the educational world. As stated by Ralph Waldo Emerson, “All the great speakers were bad speakers at the first”. Right from amateurs to great speakers adhering to few tips that are indispensable. Take the opportunity to glance at each of them.


“Be sure you can become a better speaker by delivering concept based rather than content based”

This states that when you memorize content it goes unnatural and would sound more dramatic on the other hand when you move forward with the concept based talk it attracts the attention to greater extend.

 “Speak clearly if you speak at all, crave every word before you let it fall”

This is a clear quote for the enrichment which can be put to use by delivering the speech which are concept based and not mere content based. Speaking clearly and naturally can be achieved only if it is your own words and the talk focuses on concepts. To achieve this focus on natural delivering style.

 “Warm up with the audience before the presentation”

This is a clever move that once you extend an introduction and start a discussion with the people who are available for the presentation will create a sense of warm up and you would also gain few interesting points to share in the speech, this is a wonderful attention grabbing technique.

“Focus on an interactive presentation and use the effective devices”

Start off, move on or end with, all stages can be pretty interactive with the audience. Most cases interaction shall be encouraged by expecting an idea share, an answer or queries. It also proves good to go with the presentation.

Here you are all set to flash your performance and few things taken for granted which are self-understood are don’t just read from the slides, secondly, focus on the audience than the required speech.

10 Recommendations for schools to prepare for future trends!

How schools would require to prepare for the future trends? This is a frequent question in the minds of educationalists and all schools, puzzled are the schools on their ability to withstand and upgrade to the newer expectations and requirements. Understanding the challenges and the opportunities that are emerging constantly we see the technologies and the education trend dramatically changing to provide a concrete development in the strategies of schools.

The education in most countries has shifted from the mere learning to project-based learning, from STEM to STEAM concepts. The opportunities for the younger generation are dependent on the schools as they need to provide the miraculous and futurist preparations for the students who are the future of the nation.

In most case it is not just required to think in terms of students but also teachers need to be paid attention for the complete development and knowledge enhancement. Coming again in order to meet the trend of the 21st century it is required to provide strategies with the creativity which makes it complete in development.

The learning for both the teachers and students need to be with the problem solving skills.

Required to stay updated with the rapidly changing technology and policies.

Build in them the ability to adapt and resilience with the leadership skills.

Create a platform to understand and aid for the social development.

Impose creativity learning and managing the key stuffs potentially.

Shift from LOTS (Lower Order Thinking Skills) to HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills)

Transforming from STEM to STEAM

Teachers need to promote the 5E’s - Education, Exploration, Experience, Enthusiasm and Eccentricity.

In LOTS it used to be Knowledge Acquisition, Knowledge Exploration and then comes Knowledge Creation while in HOTS the reverse of it is actually takes place which provides lasting and more productive learning by going for creation, exploration and then acquisition. This builds a better form of 21st century learning that is project-based.

When it was encountered to a professional who would say she does a lot of communication, collaboration, learning and teaching all of these along with vocabulary, lessons, guidance and of course she is none other than the 21st century teacher.

Let us seek to understand the characteristics of the 21st century teacher and the various phenomenon that supports the ultimate success in education.

10 Recommendations for schools1

Student Centered Teaching

This in other words known to be personalized teaching as gone are the days when students are given attention for spoon-fed but now the same attention is required to build the dreams of the student as each of them are different in own style who possess variance in interest, goals and skills.

Students are Creators

In the present day the students are exposed to many tools which are highly innovative and productive to support the creative ability of the students. We are now observing them to use the technology medium effectively with the use of many graphical creations, infographic, mind maps, forum participation, article submission and innovative ideas.

Global Exposure

With the possibility to learn the technologies, it becomes possible to have a hand-on experience to the different study contents and it gets possible to interact with people of different countries to stay updated. Going global is just not access to the information but rather sufficiently communicate, culturally interact and gain wisdom.

Use of BYOD

Permitting the use of own devices for education does predict the much distractions over it and stay a while with it you are lost with the distraction. It would not be apt for education quite some time back but now the situations are different while the use of the smart phone has crossed the necessity. Would it not be interesting to share what you have googled which stands to be a reference for the complete learning platform.

Flipped Learning

This is another trend which helps to develop the project based learning and the flipped classrooms are popular in the new generation learning. It it nothing but you would generally and basically convert the learning classroom as a discussion and exploration platform where more ideas become the outcome rather than the basic understanding of the subject.

Digital Learning

Another useful technology is the digital learning which comes to take up the wholesome understanding of the students. In the emergence of the digital learning it is so defined that once one of my student comes up saying the complete session of classroom explaining the Vectors in Physics has merged with the concept which was imaginary with the few minutes of the digital learning. In fact it has come up as a free resource, rather believe it that the digital learning has developed the self learning skills in students and they are being able to think in terms of Z-platform for the complete learning.

Provide Real Audience

It is possible for the student to exhibit their work to the real audience, encourage your student to blog which establishes the real connect with the like-minded audience. The world has become habitual over blogging, participating in forums etc. which gives a feel that not to blog is never an available option.

Project based learning

The students today never need to wait for the formal education to complete in order to play a real time experimenting. It is obvious that their resources are extensive and they cater to the modern web-based learning and the assistance and guidance is what expected from their mentor.

Online Ethics

Schools also stand responsible to educate the generation children to maintain a good professional online presence and build a positive digital presence will give them good reputation. Sharing of valuable and informative content keeps them moving professional and when this is followed by the teachers of the schools, the students rather follow them positively.


The ultimate of all of these is the innovation, it is not that simple as it is generally spoken about. Any learning to the fullest would lead to the interest of innovation, however a step towards the actual act over this thought requires ideas, time, budget, resource and the deliberate motivation.

I would ask schools to act on these terms and get them to be known for the new generation school. Great thoughts generated, greater implementation obtained and the innovative spirit in students take them to better heights.