End-of-year student assessment reports, Know how digitalized schools benefit!

It is definitely going to be a classy progress over the forthcoming days which mean plenty of concentration for students, ample expectations from parents and schools eager to look for showcasing the champions. The end of year transforms to be a scalable platform for all stakeholders of schools and education.

The awareness, the propaganda are more likely to emphasize over the current happenings in the educational sector. The recent work out over the requirement of Aptitude Certificate seemingly looks more valuable than the Conduct Certification which has been the one practiced for these many years.

The long way to go makes the child’s career look for better and higher opportunities to complete and gain knowledge. When it is the end of year assessment for the child be it studying in any grade and whatever be the board the evaluation of the examination point makes it stand a challenge point for all. What comes in the minds of teachers and evaluators are the fair and unbiased evaluation. The parents seeking to bring out the best from their child and the students hoping to medal up a couple of times. When all these high spirits are around the campus which gets more pressurized is the time constraint.

The difference experienced between the normal schools and the new generation schools (rather we can call it digitalized schools) are the ease of evaluation marking, assessing and generation of reports. True, it just goes simple and swift for the schools with the digital platform. Think of the instantaneously evaluation which gets published in the website to been securely viewed in the login of the parents portal and the respective students portal. It will being immense thought-processing for the students and it does acts as a high motivation for the overall betterment of the student career. The prompt and rapid delivery of the assessment results makes it great for student to check on their performance.

Now, knowing the importance of digitalization of the school management which includes the Reporting in Comprehensive & Continuous Evaluation, schools find it highly progressive and the teachers are happy on saving efforts up to 60%, it’s a clear advantage to the parents and students as well who gain a quicker glance over the performance. This makes the quick roll-out of the complete task of academic evaluation by the schools.

Having applied the digitalization over the assessment scores and with the centralized data access over the period of years the details stands to be pretty much valuable as it converts to provide the big data analysis over the child performance. This gets more useful when the students sets out for the career counselling and a great evaluation for the right career of the student.

Doubtlessly, the performance of the school and the participation of the mentors does play a vital role in the career growth of the student which can also be easily evaluated. Request for a free demo to digitalize your school management. 


Unknown facts about Homework fetching high quality learning!

Homework is a simple term common among schools and it is quite debatable on purpose and learning goals. So, why don’t we rethink on it and find a new purpose of it. When this was taken to discuss in a group got flashes with so many points from educationalists, parents, mentors and faculty. Just with the thought to use it to reprogram the consciousness left in minds and gain more purpose out of it to learn faster and become abundantly well versed in the subject.

Go on and complete reading this article which shows a good way that integrates rethinking about the concept effortlessly.

The general thought over the homework are to establish better learning and understand the concept better. These home assignments are responsible for better learning. But, the scenario is hard to accept as it is seen lack of tolerance and enforcing homework on the child becomes intolerant. Would it not be a debatable one? As told already think it in a different perspective which would create a new blanket over encouraging homework in schools.

It turns to surprise when told that it also teaches the various concepts of obedience, meeting goals, managing deadlines, presentation skills and much more. Would you not agree over these being the best life skills which needs to be incorporated in the early education? What do you think will be the best in focus and practice such great skills. Let us take it on trial that how hard and harsh will be the situation when the student is fired over in-completion or the missing to meet the deadline. This becomes a habit and leads to the immense frustration. Think more intricate it also disturbs the skills of the child and it becomes a consequence for the lacking brain performance with fading results.

There were many who would think or wish to say, “I can’t think of such hard stuffs and consequences related to homework handling”. Right! What I would say is at least use them for the inclining performance of the child in an effective management and life skills to perform responsibility regularly rather occasionally  and the best felt way to incorporate this skill is to encourage homework and assessments for schoolers and early childhood.

Homework and Assignments are required…

As the supported inclination to the overall grooming of the child as a responsibility holder will agree over encouraging homework in schools and the child needs to face the tolerance over handling it to the best of the ability over the real world expectations managing with the knowledge and the skills.

What more? The doubts flashes…

  • Should the student be taught over the responsibility in taking up homework?
  • If the main focus over the soft skills then why not focus more on the responsibility level of assignments?
  • Should the homework be assigned to the selective or all students?
  • Will the need be to determine the deadline for all works assigned?
  • How about providing grace period?
  • Should the assessments submitted be compared and ranked?

This is quite a many to go… wish to emphasize more on the actual purpose of the homework which is basically to deepen the learning concepts, understanding and rehearsing over the materials studies and boarding the concepts for better understanding. The authenticity of the homework is posted for better learning and securing good academic performance. So, again this does not ignore the other skills which was discussed and ultimately they also stand to the goals of the schools in the approach of assignment.

Grace time flexibility

So, has been questioned about the grace time which is quiet acceptable as in the real world too we come across many flexibility, second change and the real grace period, so why not give it to the students to experience the last chance for the penalty and drop points.

Schools don’t have to struggle over this concept and here is few strategies which will bring in more delivery of the benefits of homework.

Understanding before declaring

This is the prime thing which helps in bringing better results. You may be required to understand the student mind set and the order of learning and you would have to encourage few of the many who are not keen over the homework.

Focus on Relationships

Get to know your students and have them get to know you. You may discover that some students learn best with a week’s notice in order to balance their lives with lengthy projects. Or, you may learn that homework assignments need to be differentiated depending on the needs of your students. Once students discover you care about them and know them as individuals, they will do their best to complete assignments in a timely manner.

Get the students to choose the assignments

This will definitely help to increase the ratio of the interested students and mostly the homework would be completed successfully as it is been discussed with them and hence the best efforts would be involved.

Talk, Guide and offer support

Massive results can be expected when the students are involved in the discussion about how the homework can be taken forward. There may be some reluctant or the passive student who fear over the helplessness, identify them and give them the complete guidance, reference material and accessibility to the reference materials.

Few among you may still be unconvinced over this concept so put it on a trial basis, reinforce concept, respond promptly to the inquiry, make an agreement with the student if necessary,

I am now sure you would come in the bracket of agreeing to certain extend about the benefits and bring to operation with the positive attitude.

Here’s how the Homework Module of PenPencilEraser works and assists!

Homework & Assignments: Assign, Track, Attach, Comment, Notify, Approve & much more.


Homework is the key to student success in academics and more effectively it engages the free time of the students and after school hours. The undeniable fact is that each of the school be it any boards does implement some kind of home study and they do have incorporated a strategic application of additional learning.

The quiet known fact is that it does not end here and it extends to evaluation and grading. So, doubtlessly homework are meaningful integration in schools and they do require some kind of management to handle for deliberate success.


The homework is a strategy which is relevant to the students, teachers and parents. All academicians will generate the schedule for homework and it calls for high professionalism. All the more it is an everyday task which might required keen attention. Try and ask the impact of homework among the stakeholders. It is definitely time consuming in evaluation says the teachers. More research and help required tells the student of higher grades.

Just as an observer would you not wish to think of some kind of automation. Wow! That will definitely work over the simplicity of handling homework.

Homework module in school management software:

In the recent days the added element in schools are the effective school management software. Just get keen over how it works with the software PenPencilEraser.

For Teachers

The faculty member add up the homework for their students prescribing the homework details.

  • Subjects mentioned
  • Homework details
  • Issue date and Deadline date
  • If required the dates can be set in any required date both past and future.
  • Attachments
  • Choice of students – either the complete class or the selective students.
  • Alert through the SMS either student, parent or both.

What more? It’s a great go for any teacher to handle the homework in a single form with the ultimate user friendly software.

For Parents & Students

Instantaneous for the parents to get the details of their child homework in the dedicated parents portal with the secured login.

  • Check the details of the homework for the prescribed day.
  • Download the attachments sent by the faculty.
  • Look for the details in any past dates.
  • Clarify instantly to communicate with the teachers.
  • Check all the homework and update the completion status.
  • Message to the related teachers for the queries.
For Teachers & Academicians

Review of homework which is the vital part for the student performance.

Teachers can view the homework status and can filter by the ‘Completed homework’ & ‘Pending Homework’. This status review helps them to generate an instant comment over the message or intimation to have it completed. These reminders serve as time saving techniques for schools.


Perfectly designed to meet the overall expectations of the schools and hence they can totally rely on the student performance and academic achievements.

As a reader if you belong to a school, we wish to serve you full-fledged and you may request us for a demo anytime http://www.penpencileraser.com/demo.php

Top Predictions on Expectations of School-Shopping Parents in 2016!

Schools generally are fully fueled to drive the goals of students and seek to make them successful. In the spirit of getting everyone to progress and win the life achievements, schools concentrate on the overall development of students. When I say overall developments it is meant both physical and mental strength and it goes way beyond equipping the students’ academic, social, moral, inventive, non-scholastic, soft skills, communication, team player, values, discipline and much more.

Doubtlessly, schools work amazingly excellent over all of the above and has been proving with great results all through. It had been much easy for the parents and students to look for a best and productive school for their ward, the truth is that it is not the same anymore. Things changed widely and it is been deliberated due to the technological advancement and global collaboration. Hey! Wait… it does not mean toward disruptions but calls for more challenging performance by schools and educational institutions.

Although 2015 had seen much technological changes and result oriented performance. It does not end there and it has to move on. The question in most schools are what in 2016?


Parents are seen to do school-shopping and the expectations are changed each year and I wished to make the predication for the year 2016. With the same anxiety made me reach out to many keen parents looking for opinions which could serve to consolidate the predictions. Here is the summary of the popular expectations that all schools need to be aware of, rather serve them.

Use of data for analysis

The year 2016 would be a common year for the complete digitalization and automation of the school data. If your school is not one, then you are late. This complete automation is not the solution expected and many parents are still quoting that they require better analysis about their child performance.

The goal seeking parents are never happy with the simple data online, it needs to be coupled with much productive and intelligent analyst. This advanced and cumulative analysis will better transform towards the goal achievements.

Now am sure you will to give an aggressive push in this aspect to your school with the market leaders, you could seek for the cloud hosted solutions of smart school management software to improve you school performance.

Communication and Collaboration beyond messaging

This is simply not just intimations and they are long gone, present scenario the expectations of parents are they look for more transparency on the process of teaching and learning by their child. Parents also expect to ensure the safety of the child and wish to be connected always.

Here is what the collaboration actually means and the sustainability of the schools to keep closely updating the parents with online communication, video meetings, learning curve, test reviews, improvement strategies so promptly which closely means to immediate.

Responsibly choose a smart school management software which is a school ERP which provides the ultimate solution to connect and collaborate in the platform, get immediate performance updates, track leaves, provides student activity status and all the more the student identity with the RFID tracking system for the ultimate security. This makes the school a better place for the all-round achievement as stated by most parents.

Fee tracking, online payment and card acceptance

Creating transparency with simplicity means a ton for the parents while they turn convenient over the use of card payments in most online/offline purchase of goods and services.

Generally the world seems to get easily accustomed with the use of Google wallet, Apple Pay which changed the lives into simplicity.

Just as we took opinions among few parents it was clear that they pointed the benefits of online payment methods to avoid delays, security reasons, impact on convenience, we are sure that schools would do the same for their overall tech developments. Accuracy and error eliminations are also valid points over this.

Learning applications to converge the convenience

Most of my conversation among the parents and guardian talked about the knowledge, learning and exposure which derives their ward with the best academic performance. The best thing that was expected was the educational apps which will converge at their convenience of learning and understanding.

Yeah! Does not pause there as most of them looked for great user experience in terms of corporate standards. They would not wait to switch over to the better and newer stuffs in the market. The tools for education seems to be the apps which does all teaching, clarification, evaluating and examining.

 The talents will be openly demanded

The talent gap if encountered by the parents will lead to dissatisfaction with school, hence schools need to constantly evaluate over the faculty talent and performance. Such issues are directly addressed to schools and quicker will the parents get into the minds of school-shopping.

The demand and shortage of qualified talents has been the quick and pro success of the digital organisations producing more digital contents for education. Here the huge winners are those who are able to take advantage of both.

Schools need to head start over the predicted expectations of parents for the year and the big winners will be schools who invest and incorporate these changes. Such procurement would help them capitalize and seek to push your school banner to new heights.

Tech Solutions to the Professional Goals of Busy School Principals

Management of school from the principal perspective is considered to be an overloaded schedule. Handling of the multi-administration, dealing with the government bodies, rules, updates and other associations keeps them engaged in the so-called School Administrative office room and are struck with the computers and laptop.


This has been their routine and with the verbal updates on the happenings inside the school campus, in many cases has led to controversies and deliberateness of the chaos.

If this is the scenario persisting it would tend to become worse as the school strength multiplies and would you not think of extending the working hours and still it has its own limitations.

Few weeks back we scheduled a meet with the schools who have recently integrated PenPencilEraser into their systems. It was something better and new to what the school software meant for them. Here is what was shared by the schools.

Benefited School

The school administrator of the leading school in North India which serves about 950 students strength shared with pleasure that he always tried to encounter intimately with the students and aimed to give 1:1 approach for grooming the child to better citizen. This is something which was just a dream as due to high busy schedule in the school office room with the updates from all ends kept him knocking back to back with the computers, office visitors, permissions, appointments, meetings and so on.

An Astonishment

It was like what had happened and to the surprise of all the teachers and students, the principal visited each of the classroom in the mornings to check on the learning and discussed with teachers and students on learning and teaching improvements. He gave a better support and feedback to the improvements. Sooner, in a week it seemed apparent that to build great leaders it is required to see and track on things happening and just the formal observation is insufficient.

Well, Agreed! With the things happening the right way and here comes the question of how the office administrative stuffs been managed. Rightly quoted is the Technology support which made things simple and manageable.
The Success Story

To list with the technology updates he mentioned that the wireless access in the school is the boom. Hence, he was on move with the lightweight laptop, netbook, tablet to go with and it made the administration take place even out of the office space. So, I do go to classrooms to stay connected with the students and faculty members in order to develop a better insight of the real time work that is been carried on in the classrooms.

It was also possible for me to visit all the classrooms and to catch up with the checklists of the updates. Sooner, I also explored the messaging and reporting module in PenPencilEraser which I was longing to integrate since long back. Now am able to check on online reporting, updates, approvals and intimations that are made simple and instant.

This web-based tool, PenPencilEraser makes it simple to enter all the required information, send intimations through messages, check on parent intimations, approve over the exams, fees, and connect with all associated with the school instantly.

The highlight here is I am also able to track my visit to each of the classroom as on observation of each visit I send the feedback and suggestion online in the web-based application. This does become check list for me to move further and cover all the classrooms with equal preference.



This professional goal of spending more time in the classroom with the students and faculty and providing valuable feedback and support. This has been made possible with the support of online school management software – PenPencilEraser. Definitely, when this practice is made consistent over a period of time our school would be seen to grow multi-fold in terms of education, strength and presence.